Liam LOVES banana bread (with chocolate chips, of course! Which, by the way, makes excellent french toast!) And he LOVES to help make it (wearing the strawberry apron that I had when I was 3!) He does a great job cracking eggs (rarely gets shells in!) and helping pour and mix in all the ingredients! We try and frequently have some available, because that is one thing I can get that kid to eat!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Little Chef
Liam LOVES banana bread (with chocolate chips, of course! Which, by the way, makes excellent french toast!) And he LOVES to help make it (wearing the strawberry apron that I had when I was 3!) He does a great job cracking eggs (rarely gets shells in!) and helping pour and mix in all the ingredients! We try and frequently have some available, because that is one thing I can get that kid to eat!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Jacob Memorial Video 2009
Six years ago today we held the funeral for my brother Jacob. On that day I shared a video I put together of some moments from Jacob's life, growing up, his artwork, his skating etc. The video contained some wonderful photos and video taken by family and friends. I also included some footage I started shooting with Jacob for a short film that I never finished.
I have since made a few changes and added a few more clips. So for those of you who knew Jacob, I hope this brings back some good memories.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Jacob and Spencer on the Raft
6 years ago my brother Jacob died; he was almost 20 years old. Early that morning, I got a phone call from my Uncle Kevin who softly gave me the hard news. Kevin was always a hero to me for making those calls.
The glass through which I saw life cracked and shattered. And a river of thoughts and emotions flooded my little room of perception.
As I went through video footage and photos I tried to put together a memorial video of some of my brother's life. This was one little clip from footage that my Aunt June shot when we visited their place in Arizona one summer.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dance Recital
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Impromptu Piano Recital
This made me smile and I had to share!! If only we could all be like this at 90!!
Fran & Marlo Cowan (married 62 years) playing impromptu recital together in the atrium of the Mayo Clinic. He's 90!!
Fran & Marlo Cowan (married 62 years) playing impromptu recital together in the atrium of the Mayo Clinic. He's 90!!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Brooklyn's Cast
Brooklyn chose a green cast, and Daddy got first dibs on signing it (he drew Kermit, then wrote the same thing my dad wrote on my cast when I broke her arm at about the same age: "Too bad. So sad, your Dad.")
Brooklyn was excited to be getting her cast off! (It was getting itchy!)
Getting used to the strange feeling! (It took about 3 weeks for her to be able to straighten her arm all the way, practicing and stretching several times a day!) We were grateful that it was broken where it was and not 1/2 inch difference, or it would have been on the growth plate and she would have needed pins! There are lots of things to be grateful for with the outcome of our accident)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
236 1/2
The short version:
I had taken my brother, sister, son and daughter to Boise to visit my grandma. We were on our way home to Salt Lake when I lost control of the car. We rolled 4 or 5 times, ending up in the median facing the opposite direction we were travelling. There are a few broken bones and cuts and stitches but we are, miraculously, ok.
The explaination:
Over Spring break, I had taken my 14 year-0ld brother, Jared, 10 year-old sister, Katie, and Brooklyn and Liam up to Boise to visit my grandma and sister, Jenny, who is living with her. We had a great time visiting them.
Saturday morning, April 11, we set off for home at about 6:00 am. The kids were all asleep for awhile, and were asleep as we passed Burley, so I decided to keep going and stop a little later. The kids woke up and Jared turned on a movie for them. I remember thinking that we would stop in about 1/2 an hour, and being alert. it was about 8:30. Thinking back, everything is fuzzy and I don't remember things as clearly as I would like. Somehow I lost control of the car (one of the EMTs said it's possible a tire may have blown, or I may have hit something in the road, or it is possible I dozed for a split second). As I tried to regain control I realized that we were going to roll before it happened, and knew there was nothing I could do (although I tried!) Jared said that I yelled "We're going to crash!" It all happened so quickly. We rolled 4 or 5 times. I remember seeing the grass and gravel coming at my window, and seeing the airbags and seeing and feeling the rolling. I have relived that nightmare many times since. Jared described it well when he said that time seemed to speed up and slow down at the same time.
After we stopped, I looked back at the terrified faces of the kids, imagining what they must have been feeling. I jumped out of the car and grabbed Liam out of his seat and ran around to the other side to help the girls out, but the door wouldn't open. I ran back around to help the girls out over Liam's car seat. The adrenaline was pumping so much I couldn't feel any pain in my leg that I later found out was broken. Because of the airbags, Jared had to climb in between the seats and out over Liam's car seat. We were in the median, facing the opposite direction that we had been traveling. I looked out and saw all of our luggage across both lanes of the highway we were on, and people running towards us (thankfully no one was close enough for us to hit). Strangers were there for us with our pillows, bringing water and blankets. Jared was absolutely amazing through the whole thing; he deserves an award for staying so calm, being so strong, making a calm, informative call to my mom, being there for Liam, and for all of us...
I was holding Liam, and a bald guy with a tongue ring stayed with me the whole time, talking to me, trying to keep me calm and still in case I had neck or back injuries. Brooklyn and Katie were lying next to each other, and I was able to put my hand on Katie. I was trying to process the situation and starting shaking severely, and Liam kept saying "Don't cry Mommy. Don't Cry." I think I scared him, and he asked for Jared, which I was extremely grateful for. Liam was concerned about finding Jared's football. Jared found my phone on the side of the road and called Mom. He found the diaper bag that I was concerned about, and even took a few pictures when I asked, as I was being put into the ambulance. There was some stranger there for each person, which I am so grateful for. When I would freak out about Brooklyn or Katie, someone was there to let me know that they were ok. I wish I knew who they were so I could thank them. I will never forget their faces. I tried to call Nathan, but he didn't hear the phone, and I got a hold of his mom, who was going to head over to our house to get him. My mom is the one who finally got a hold of him gave him the news. They were soon on their way to meet us. We were in the middle of nowhere so it took about 15 minutes maybe for emergency vehicles to show up. Brooklyn, Katie and I were all put in neck braces and on back boards (for the record, they are not comfortable) Brooklyn and I were in one ambulance, Liam, Jared and Katie in the other. We were taken to the Burley hospital.
Shortly after we got to the hospital, my aunt Maggie showed up (which is where she works), which was a huge relief to me. I finally felt allowed to break down and cry; that I could pass off my responsibility of being strong for the other four. She could run back and forth to the kids when I couldn't but wanted to so badly. She helped take good care of us, and got extra things for us that we wouldn't have had otherwise. My cousin, Kayla came shortly later with food and juice for the kids, shirts for the girls, and a movie. She was great! Liam and Katie got little bags that volunteers had put together with stuffed animals and books, which we were grateful for. I think all the kids were grateful for the distraction of "Toy Story."
Jared ended up with a cut on his head (and went to a church youth dance 12 hours later! With his hospital bracelet on, of course!!) Katie, thankfully had nothing in her eye, but but cuts around her eye and popped vessels in her eye. She had some cuts on her right hand, and a piece of her finger missing that they couldn't stitch up. Liam had a small bruise on his collar bone from the car seat strap but overall seemed fine (he does seem hurt when he is picked up, so may have cracked something.) One of his shoes was found right away, that I think he asked for, so he hung out for hours at the hospital with one shoe on. The highway patrol man said that Liam's car seat was installed so well, it didn't budge an inch, which was a huge relief. Brooklyn had a few little cuts and a broken arm (I think she hit the car seat.) Thankfully, I ended up with the worst injuries. I have a broken leg (I think I hit the emergency brake bar) I had a deep cut in my left hand that they were concerned about nerve damage, that I think will be ok. The doctor cleaned out a bunch of glass from my hand, and had to cut some of the skin away. I have 8 stitches on my hand, 2 on my forehead by my hairline, and some cuts and bruises, mostly up my left side. I have a burn from the seat belt on my chest. And I cracked a few ribs.
We were so relieved to have Mom, Dad and Nathan walk in. I can't imagine what the 2 1/2 hour drive must have been like for them. Kayla and Maggie went to the place where our car was towed and got all of our belongings, and came back with Liam's other shoe and Brooklyn's baby blanket that she had been asking for. My cousin, Brittni, showed up to the hospital as we were getting ready to leave. It was great to see her, and she helped get me around the hospital, and ran to get things that we needed as we waited in the cafeteria to go home.
Nathan was able to go with Kayla to see the car and take pictures, then went with my Dad and Maggie to get a new car seat (since they say it should be replaced after being in an accident), get some pain medication for me, and some food.
Brooklyn was nervous to ever get into a car again. Liam just kept asking for his broken car to get fixed, and didn't want a new car seat. So getting in the van to head home was a little traumatic for him. We were relieved to arrive home safely. We are so grateful for so many willing to help us.
I've tried to remember what happened just before we crashed, and can't. I've had nightmares and replayed the accident over and over in my mind. The looks on the kids' faces and imagining what each child must have experienced has been the hardest part for me.
We are so thankful for the angels that were with us in the accident to prevent any further injuries. I know they were there. We are indebted to the angels who stopped and helped us until emergency responders could get there. I am thankful to that bald guy with the tongue ring.
I will never forget mile marker 236 1/2 eastbound on I-84.
And, I would drive a Subaru again.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Rockin' Out
The kids couldn't resist singing and playing air guitar in front of this huge guitar at Hollywood Studios.
This is the steam train song that Liam is sort of singing!! I love that he uses his hand as a microphone and is singing with his eyes closed!!
This is the steam train song that Liam is sort of singing!! I love that he uses his hand as a microphone and is singing with his eyes closed!!
The entertainer
One of the fun things about having the Harmons at Disney World with us was that we could switch off with Jordan and Joanna so Nathan and I could ride a couple of things together (which we don't get to do much) The boys all loved Brooklyn. She did a great job entertaining them while they waited for the adults to have some fun!!
The Color Song
I love when the kids play well together (what Mom doesn't?!). I love that even though there is such an age gap, they can still have fun together. This is a fun video of them being silly in the hotel. Just before we started taking the video, Liam was being silly and saying that he was wearing purple like Brooklyn.
25 years...
Disney World February 2009
We surprised the kids with a trip to Disney World. We told them 3 hours before our flight left that we were going on a trip, and didn't tell them where we were going until we got to the airport. They were pretty excited (Well Brooklyn was, I don't think Liam really realized the extent of what we were doing) Nathan's last area on his mission covered Disney World, but, of course, he was never able to go.
We were hoping to escape the cold weather, but ran into record breaking cold, and a day of pouring rain!! We did enjoy the two days of nice weather, though!!
We loved visiting each of the four parks. There were things we loved about each one.
We loved that Animal Kingdom has a different feel than the other parks and loved the Safari, the amazing Lion King stage production, and the Everest roller coaster. (I lost my phone (realized almost an hour later!) at this park on the river rafting ride, but luckily was able to retrace my steps and get it back!!)
We loved the car stunt show at Hollywood studios, the Aerosmith roller coaster, Tower of Terror (I get butterflies every time I think about it!!) and one of our favorite rides is the new Toy Story ride. (We tried to go back and get fast passes on two different days, and they were gone one day, and the other day (one hour after opening) the return time was 6 hours later!!)
At Epcot, Nathan and I loved the educational stuff (Brooklyn wasn't as interested). We loved going through a greenhouse on a boat that showed some things Disney is experimenting with that they use in their restaurants (Like tomato trees, Mickey Mouse shaped pumpkins, and 9 pound lemons that make 1 gallon of lemonade each!!) We also loved visiting the World Showcase and getting a taste (yum!) of the different countries in food and atmosphere. I love that they have employees native to each country that they work in. Brooklyn had a little book that she had stamped in each country, and had her name written in several languages (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese...)
Brooklyn was super excited to finally get to ride Small World!! (It's been closed every time we've been to Disneyland)
Dumbo is a ride Liam always talks about!!
Our friends, the Harmons, drove down from South Carolina to spend a couple of days with us. The kids had so much fun together, and it was fun to catch up with them!
So, it's been a month since we went, and I've been bugged about getting pictures up, so I put together a little slide show of some of our pictures. Enjoy!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Entertainment Center
We have been trying to decide for a few months what to do about our TV stand. We like it, but we need more storage in the family room, and the way we have things set up looks pretty bare. We like our couch (that was given to us) but it is pretty deep, so there's not a lot of ways we can arrange things without feeling like the couch is taking up the whole room. So we have been looking around some, trying to decide what we should do, without spending too much. We went to IKEA the other night and picked up a new system. We like how it looks. And we have promised to post pictures up, so here you go!!


What do you think?
The old tv stand (don't mind the mess--we were starting to put the new one together!)
All finished putting it together!
We picked these handles out at Lowes, and I love the way they look on here!! Now we just have to decide how to decorate it and make it look good!! (More color!)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Getting an early start...
Liam found the "Chronicles of Narnia" set on the bookshelf and carried it around for a few days (along with "Matilda"). Nathan started telling him about "The Magician's Nephew" (first book in the series). And Liam kept asking for "Diggory" and always wanted to know what Diggory was up to.
He would pick up the book (he knew which one it was) and would start "reading", telling us what Diggory wanted and what he was doing. (I love his imagination!!)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The "Sixth" Challenge
I am SOOOO bad at doing things like this, but I was tagged by Nathan's cousin, Laura, and saw what picture came up, and couldn't resist.
1. Go to the photo folder in your computer
1. Go to the photo folder in your computer
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the sixth picture.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.

This is a classic picture of Brooklyn. She was always into everything faster than I could keep up! (I would be cleaning up one mess while she was making another!) She was such a busy girl (we called her "spicy"!) I can't even remember what this was (conditioner? some thick lotion?) What fun memories!!
I'm not sure if 6 people even read our blog! But I will tag:
This is a classic picture of Brooklyn. She was always into everything faster than I could keep up! (I would be cleaning up one mess while she was making another!) She was such a busy girl (we called her "spicy"!) I can't even remember what this was (conditioner? some thick lotion?) What fun memories!!
I'm not sure if 6 people even read our blog! But I will tag:
Friday, January 30, 2009
Hey batter batter batter...
Liam loves sports: football, basketball, golf, tennis, and especially baseball. For his 2nd birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Allison gave him a spiderman baseball bat, spiderman ball and spiderman hat. He plays with them as much as he can.
Currently, the first thing he wants to do in the morning, or when Daddy gets home from work, is to play baseball.
Currently, the first thing he wants to do in the morning, or when Daddy gets home from work, is to play baseball.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
German Apple Pancake
German pancake (aka Dutch baby pancake) is one of my favorite breakfasts.
I was looking through one of the cookbooks I got for Ash and when I saw a recipe for German apple pancake, I proclaimed that "we" should try making this. Of course by "we" I meant "Ashlie".
And she made it.
And behold, it was awesome.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Train Man
Liam LOVES trains! He makes them out of everything! I decided that I needed to capture this phase in his life, so followed him around for about 24 hours and got pictures of a FEW things that he made trains with!


I didn't get pictures of the forks, cooling racks, pillows, cards, books, boxes, coolers, magnets... that were all made into trains that day!! I love this little way that Liam leaves his mark wherever he goes!!
Update: For those of you who were thinking OCD (you know you were!! :) ), Liam has already stopped making so many trains and is now on to CONSTANTLY wanting to play baseball!!
The train man, himself
Update: For those of you who were thinking OCD (you know you were!! :) ), Liam has already stopped making so many trains and is now on to CONSTANTLY wanting to play baseball!!
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